![]() 今後、世界の人口は約20億以上増加し、食に対する需要は世界的に急速に増加し続けると予測されており、10億人がすでにさらされている食料不足や食料不安を解消し、食の安全性を高めることが求められている。矛盾するようではあるが、アフリカではその最大の懸念であると同時に、その解決のカギとなる最大の希望を有している。貧困と飢餓、人口増加率ともに世界でもっとも高いアフリカであるが、現在耕作が行われている土地において、作物や家畜の実際の生産量と潜在的な生産量との間には、大きな隔たりがあるためだ。
「アフリカ農業研究フォーラム(FARA)」は、開発、技術、能力強化におけるアフリカ諸国と非アフリカ諸国の諸機関の双方に利益のある協力関係を構築、促進、支援することによって、その最前線であり続けてきた。このフォーラムは今後も、双方にとって魅力のあるパートナーシップを促進させ続けていくことだろう。 |
Feeding the billions
-- Africa's role in meeting the needs of the growing global population --
The global demand for food will continue to rise rapidly to meet the needs of about two billion more people and at the same time improve the food security of the 1 billion who are already enduring severe food shortages and insecurity. Paradoxically Africa is both the cause for most concern and the best hope for its resolution, because while it has the highest proportion of extremely poor and hungry people and fastest growing population it also has the greatest gaps between the actual and potential crop and livestock yields and the most under used arable land.
To realise the hope Africa is making great effort to reform its agricultural institutional structures that will underpin and drive improved agricultural production that will be derived from improved farm productivity, better information, communication and learning systems and strengthened human and institutional capacity.
These actions depend on a realisation of the mutual interests for continental and global collaboration in African agricultural research, development and capacity strengthening, which Africa is fostering by developing and implementing guidelines and principles for collaboration and benefiting from development assistance.
Africa is making progress towards the goal of 6% growth per annum in production which is required to achieve sustainable improvements in food security while also meeting the needs of a rapidly expanding population.
The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) and the Framework for African Agricultural Productivity (FAAP) set out how the stakeholders in agricultural research and technology dissemination and adoption should address their tasks to maximize their effectiveness. This depends on all agricultural research development, research and capacity strengthening institutions focusing on how they can add value most effectively to each other’s efforts. Both African and non-African institutions must collaborate as effectively as they can because it is in both their vested interests to do so.
Japan has led the way in such collaboration initially through bilateral rice development projects. For example, Japan supported the project on interspecific hybridization of Asian and African indigenous species that led to the development of the New Rice for Africa (NERICA) which increased rice production by up to 50% in traditional cultivation system and more than double the yields in improved management systems. NERICA also ensures sustainable rice production due to its ability to suppress weeds, better levels of resistance or tolerance to major stresses such as drought, diseases and insect pests. Some NERICA’s have shorter growth duration, increased protein content, good aroma and taste as preferred by the African consumers.
More recently, Japan has supported the establishment of the international Coalition for African Rice Development (CARD) with the aim to double rice production in Africa in the next ten years.
The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) has been at the forefront of such collaboration by catalyzing, facilitating and supporting mutually beneficial collaboration between African institutions themselves and with non-African partners in development, science and capacity strengthening. The Forum and its Secretariat will continue to advance mutually advantageous collaboration.